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Task Evidence Workflow

Manage and track Learner activity across the evidence lifecycle on each Task.

James Carlson avatar
Written by James Carlson
Updated over 2 months ago

The Task Evidence Workflow appears with any task that requires evidence. This workflow reinforces feedback loops and dialogue between Advisor and Learner by organizing the work that needs feedback in one place. Learners and Advisors can also easily focus on the tasks that are being worked on, those that need more attention, or those that are already complete.

Watch this 2 minute overview to see how it works:


Workflow Statuses

Symbols are used throughout Headrush for each state in the Task Evidence Workflow:


In progress


Needs Review


The Learner has not started working on the Task or Evidence.

The Learner is working on the Evidence.

The Learner has formally submitted the Evidence for review by the Advisor.

The Advisor has returned the Evidence to the Learner for further work or review.

The Evidence has been marked Complete.


No special setup is required to use Task Evidence Workflow. The only requirement is to enable Evidence on the Task when editing or creating the Task:

What students see

The Task Board looks different for learners and advisors. Headrush makes the status of each task visible to the learner by changing the appearance of the cards.

To Do

In Progress

When a task is past-due in any state, the past due indicator will also appear on its card.


Needs Review


As a Learner, submit Evidence for review

The first time evidence is attached or time is logged to a task, its status will be set to In Progress. (Read more about how to attach evidence and log time.) When learners attach new evidence to a task, they have the option to save their work and Submit it, or save for later submission. In this way, learners can accumulate evidence in a task until they are ready for the Advisor to review. When the learner is ready, they click Submit to set the task status to Submitted and indicate the task is ready for advisor review.

Learner Workflow View within a Module

Learners can access the Workflow view for any module by clicking the Workflow button. This will display the same Kanban view of the tasks organized into columns based on their status. Learners can drag and drop tasks between columns to change the status of their tasks. (See note about Logging Time and other ongoing Evidence...)

Learner Workflow View for all Modules

Learners can access the Workflow view for tasks in all modules by clicking Workflow in the top navigation, when not looking at a module. This view shows all tasks in all modules (that require evidence) organized in columns by status. Learners can drag-and-drop tasks up and down within columns to sort by priority, and the view will preserve these choices. (Learn more about the Learner Workflow View.)

Workflow Evidence View

The Task Board Evidence view displays he workflow state of all evidence in the module, organized by learner. Click the Evidence button at the top to open this view:

Click on the Workflow icon next to any Learner to view the status of all Evidence for that Learner in the module:

This view shows all the Tasks the Learner has in the module, organized by columns according to Status. This is the classic Kanban view of learner work in the module.

  1. Click Back to All to return to the Evidence view of all module Learners.

  2. Click the arrow next to the Learner's name to select a different learner.

  3. Click Next to view the next Learner in the module.

  4. Drag and drop any Task card to change the workflow status.

Tracking the workflow of a task across many Learners

Each Task Card with a requirement for Evidence will display the workflow status summary on the Task Board view:

Clicking on the statuses of any task will open the detailed evidence view for that task, which can be viewed by list or in columns. Advisors can also filter these views to hide or show learners who have a finalized assessment on the task.

The advisor clicks on the task card's status indicators, switches to columns and back to list view, and then filters by finalized learners in the list view.

These two views make it easy for Advisors to see the status of evidence on each task, organized by status or by learner, and make adjustments accordingly.

Task Evidence Status View

The Task Evidence Status view shows each status in columns, with the Learner's avatars listed in each status corresponding to the state of their Evidence on this task.

  • Click the Learner avatar to view the Evidence they have submitted to this Task.

  • Drag and drop the Learner avatar between columns to change the status of individual learner evidence on this task.

  • Click Send Reminder to notify all learners to submit evidence to the task.

  • Click Move all submitted to complete to move Learner evidence under the Submitted column to Complete in one step.

  • Click Show Finalized to reveal learners whose assessment status on this task is Finalized.

Task Evidence List View

The Task Evidence List view shows each Learner working on the Task, with their detailed statuses. The Evidence column lists how much evidence is in progress or submitted.

  • Click the Learner avatar to view the Evidence they have submitted to this Task, and optionally assess the task.

  • Filter the list by changing the values under column headings.

  • Click column headers to sort by that column.

  • Click Send Reminder to notify all learners to submit evidence to the task.

  • Click Move all submitted to complete to move Learner evidence under the Submitted column to Complete in one step.

  • Click Show Finalized to reveal learners whose assessment status on this task is Finalized.

Should you want to look at all Tasks within a particular Workflow status regardless of Module and across all students, the Advisor Task Inbox can help with that...

Assess Evidence

If the Task is setup to require assessment, learning targets can be assessed during the workflow for the specific task and learner evidence. Learn more about how Task Assessment works.

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