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Advisor Task Inbox

See Tasks that require Evidence across all Modules in one, searchable view

Shane Krukowski avatar
Written by Shane Krukowski
Updated over 2 months ago

The Advisor Task Inbox provides a quick and easy way to find and process Tasks requiring Evidence, across multiple Modules and across many students.

The most common examples of needing such a view include:

  1. Inviting a content area specialist to review or assess Tasks associated to their area of expertise (e.g.- a math specialist checking/validating applied mathematics in projects).

  2. Audit specific types of evidence submissions
    (e.g.- review Tasks of the Task Type of 'CheckIn')

  3. Review Work Submission of a Group of Students
    (e.g.- what is on the go for those graduating this year)

  4. Globally know what work is being iterated
    (e.g.- what students have Evidence that needs to be resubmitted)

Finding Your Way Around the Task Inbox

The Advisor Task Inbox is available via the top Advisor navigation:

Advisor Top Navigation: Task Inbox

The left column of the page includes many search options you can use to filter what is includes in the view. Your search criteria and selections will stay in place should you navigate away from the page. You can always clear your selections to widen your search.

Advisor Task Inbox: Left Column Search Criteria

All Tasks that require evidence that meet your search criteria will appear sorted in their respective WorkFlow status and an option to subvert by Date Submitted or otherwise. Likewise, you can filter out Task Submissions that have already been viewed:

Advisor Task Inbox: Workflow Status Tabs

Quickly Viewing and Assessing Task Evidence

Each card appearing in the Task Inbox results is an individual student's evidence submission to a particular Module Task that requires Evidence. Click to view the evidence and comment, assess, and change the workflow status.

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