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Task Workflow Tutorial - for Learners
Task Workflow Tutorial - for Learners

How to use workflow to manage your tasks and get Advisor feedback.

James Carlson avatar
Written by James Carlson
Updated over a week ago

Most projects consist of tasks that, at any given moment in time, are each in varying states of done. Some are not started, some tasks are underway, some are waiting for feedback, and some are really truly complete. Some tasks require evidence to be provided, such as a document or file. Headrush provides a way for organizing the evidence added to tasks according to the status of the task. Use it to keep track of what needs to be done, to tell Advisors to give feedback, and prioritize revisions to the work.

Tasks that require Evidence are always in one of these five conditions:


In progress


Needs Review


The Learner has not started working on the Task or Evidence.

The Learner is working on the Evidence.

The Learner has formally submitted the Evidence for review by the Advisor.

The Advisor has returned the Evidence to the Learner for further work or review.

The Evidence has been marked Complete.

The act of adding evidence to a task doesn't change these workflow states--that's something Learners do when they choose; in some cases, Advisors are changing the state of the task.

Over the course of time, Tasks moves from left to right through each step of the workflow. Tasks may go directly from Submitted to Complete, or if the Advisor evaluating the evidence determines that more revision is needed, it goes to Needs Review, which puts the responsibility for revisions on the Learner.

In this guide:

How to use workflow

Any Task created to require Evidence will automatically use workflow. On that Task's evidence view, change the workflow as appropriate. Click Submit to share evidence with your advisor for their feedback.

Click on the Workflow button in the Task Board to get an overview of all tasks and their respective workflow status:

Click and drag any task to change the workflow state.

All Tasks in All Modules - the Big Picture

See the Workflow view for all tasks in all modules by clicking Workflow in the top navigation, when not already in a module. This view shows all tasks in all modules (that require evidence) organized in columns by status. Drag-and-drop tasks up and down within columns to sort by priority, and the view will remember. Drag-and-drop between columns to change status. This is a good way to organize work in progress and keep track of what is important. (Learn more about the Learner Workflow View.)

How to get Advisor Feedback (Use Workflow)

When finished adding new Evidence to a Task, click Submit to make the task workflow status Submitted. This indicates to the Advisor that the evidence is ready for review. This must be done to submit the evidence to the Advisor; merely adding the evidence to the Task will not automatically submit that evidence.

How to Undo a Submit and make a change

Normally once you Submit evidence it cannot be changed. However, if the task is not yet due, or has no due date, you can change the status back to In Progress, make a change, and Submit the evidence again.

How to Revise and Resubmit Evidence

Tasks that are in the status of Needs Review have been reviewed by the Advisor and require additional work. They are not yet ready to be marked Complete. Review the advisor's feedback and assessment using the pull-out drawer on the task:

Add new Evidence to the task, and then click Submit Again to put the Task back on the Advisor for review.

Logging Time (and other ongoing Evidence) with Task Workflow

Some Evidence stays In Progress for a period of time and does not require the use of the Workflow as much or if at all, even though new evidence may be continually attached.

For example, if a student is logging time on a Module, and the time is added as evidence to one Task on the Task board, rather than spread throughout all the tasks:

Learner-Example One Task For All Time Logs Task on Task Board

the learner may only once at the beginning change the status from 'To Do' to In Progress and then from that point forward rarely change that Task's status while they log time over the course of the Module. Of course if a Learner did want their Advisor to review that Task, there would be nothing from stopping them, but the point here is that the expectation would not be the norm. Adopting this practice, can help minimize noise and clutter in the Task Evidence Workflow view for an Advisor:

Adivsor- Task - Evidence - Status view


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