Reduce clicks, avoid confusion, and keep google files better titled within Headrush by using the new ability to specify a Google Drive file as the expected Evidence template.
When setting up a Task that requires an Evidence submission, Module creators will now have the option to select a Google Drive file as the template that Headrush will automatically make a copy of for each learner, and attach it as their evidence for the task.
The copy of the evidence:
Appears inline and ready for editing
The copied file is titled including module name, task name, and student name
The Task Evidence status is marked to 'In Progress'
Note for admins: To use this feature, enhanced Google Drive permissions must be enabled for your site. See the details in the full article.
Other bug fixes and updates in this release
Direct link from Warehouse back to My Modules has been added to top navigation
Admins can now merge target sets together
Admins can now see all Joinable modules in the Warehouse
Feedback on tasks with no evidence can now be seen after the task is closed
Feedback can now also be given and replied by a learner after task is closed
Popup editor for groups now centers itself properly on the screen
Bug fixes with Advisor-created Groups
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