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Task Boards

Use Task Boards to visually manage projects, present content and assign work.

Mike Hourahine avatar
Written by Mike Hourahine
Updated over a week ago

Task boards are a flexible and organized tool for planning and managing projects and seminars of all types. Learners and Advisors together use the Board to get an overview of the work to be done, the materials for reference, have discussions, submit Evidence, and track the workflow of tasks.

There are four Views of the Board. Switch between them with the buttons:

  • Board: Shows the entire Task Board with Tasks arranged into Columns

  • Calendar: Shows the Tasks on a typical calendar month or week view, and a list of unscheduled Tasks.

  • Evidence: Shows a grid of Tasks with previously submitted Evidence.

  • Workflow (Learner Only): Shows Tasks in columns based on their Workflow status: To Do, In Progress, Submitted, Needs Review, and Complete. (Learn more about Workflow for Task Evidence)

The same Task Board may look different for Advisors and Learners. Specifically:

For Learners, each of these views shows information exclusive to them personally: status updates, evidence, workflow states and so on.

Advisors have three views to reveal information about all Learners on the module.

The Task Board shows useful information on the Task cards themselves:

Learn to glance at the board to quickly:

  • Read Task Details

  • Add Evidence to a task

  • See the Workflow state

  • View Discussions

Board View 

The default Board view shows Tasks in their respective columns. Creators of the Module have the ability to drag Tasks from one column to another. When a Learner views the board, they see their personal submission activity and history. When an Advisor views the board, they will see this information for all Learners on the module.

Take a look at some Task Board examples for inspiration...

Evidence View

The Evidence view shows all evidence submitted on tasks and their respective workflow states. Advisors and Learners can see all evidence notes, files and links. Advisors can click through all the evidence detail of a given Learner. Learners will see only the evidence they have submitted in this view.

👉 The Evidence tab is only visible when the module is set to Active or Completed status.

Filtering Evidence By Due Date or By Column

Within the Task Board Evidence view, the viewer has the option to filter Tasks by their respective due date by changing the View By dropdown menu:

Calendar View

The Calendar view of a task board allows any viewer to see the respective tasks in the context of when they are due in either a week, full week, or month view.  Additionally, any Creator of the Module, has the ability to use this tool to drag and drop Tasks on the calendar to change or add due date.

Workflow View

Learners can see the Workflow View by clicking the Workflow button. This view shows the Learner's individual tasks on this module, organized into columns based on their workflow state. (Learn more about Task Evidence Worfklows.) Learners can drag and drop tasks between states in this view.

Advisors can view the Workflow for each learner in the module by clicking on the respective workflow icon to the right of the student name on the Task Board > Evidence view, and page back and forth between learners via the top center student name navigation. Once on that view, Advisors can also drag and drop tasks between columns to change the respective student's Task Evidence workflow status.

Copy tasks and columns between and within task boards

You can easily duplicate your best practices and best materials. Learn more about how to copy tasks and columns in Task Boards.

View all tasks with evidence on any task board for a learner

The Advisor Task Inbox provides a centralized way to view, comment, and assess all Tasks requiring evidence regardless of the module or task board it's from. Learn more about the Task Inbox

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