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Warehouse of Modules

Organize, reuse, inspire and renovate Modules via the Warehouse

Shane Krukowski avatar
Written by Shane Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

The Warehouse is where your school can organize modules by category and subcategory for learners and advisors to copy or join. Admins can set up and organize the Warehouse, customize the categories with colors and pictures, and target the Warehouse content to specific Roles or Groups.

Who can view the Warehouse?

Site admins control who can access the Warehouse. By default, students and advisors can view the Warehouse.

Admins can choose to give those with the Advisor role permission to share modules in the Warehouse. Admins can also give structure to the Warehouse by creating categories and subcategories. Access rights and Warehouse categories are set up under Admin > Learning Modules > Warehouse Options:

By default, any advisor or admin can share/add Modules into the Warehouse -- Admins can restrict this to specific advisors or admins.

Likewise, Admins can restrict the Warehouse from specific users. For example, if you are partnering with someone outside your school and you don't want to provide them full access to your content.

Can Students view the Warehouse?

By default, the Warehouse is available for Students to explore. Disable the setting Warehouse Enabled for Students to remove student access to the Warehouse.

Students can click Start New to access the Warehouse:

πŸ‘‰ NOTE: Students can only start a copy of a Module type the Student Role has been given access via Admin > Learning Modules > Module Settings. A module that was created with a type only available for Advisors will not be available for students to start from the Warehouse.

ADMIN > Learning Modules > Module Settings

How can the Warehouse be organized?

Admins can customize the Warehouse by creating Categories and organizing them into subcategories as needed. In Admin > Learning Modules > Warehouse Options, Admins can create new categories, customize them, and drag and drop them into subcategories or alter the order in which they appear in the Warehouse. Click '+Category' to add a category anywhere. Click on any category to edit it, and optionally customize it with a color or cover image:

How to target the Warehouse to specific groups or roles?

When editing a Category, under Visible to Roles or Visible to Groups, select which roles or groups respectively should be shown in the category. For example, create a category for Staff Professional Development, and limit access to the role "Advisor" to create a private category for staff that learners cannot find.

In the event your site is setup with multiple sites/affiliations, you will also have the option to specify which sites the Category or module will be viewable.

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