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Choosing Your Reports and Transcripts
Choosing Your Reports and Transcripts

Example Headrush Reports and the context that make sense for you.

Shane Krukowski avatar
Written by Shane Krukowski
Updated over a month ago

Headrush has many reporting options available to serve both your various stakeholder needs as well as the varying needs of purpose (e.g.- Learning, vs Compliance).

How does your mission, model, and learner accomplishment show up in the world?

Typically, reporting falls into one of these broad categories:

Day-to-Day Progress

How is the learner doing right now (daily, weekly, on demand)?

Term / Year-end

What did the learner achieve for the term / year?

Official Transcript

Representing learner achievement to higher ed or transfer schools

Insight Reporting

How are students and the school performing overall? How can we do better?

External Reporting

e.g. District, State or Accreditation Reporting

Within each of those categories, the following considerations impact the nature of what is presented:

  • Frequency— Examples: once per term, per year, on graduation

  • Audience— Examples: Parents, College Admissions, District

  • Goals & Constraints— Examples: Satisfy state reporting requirements; student progress during term

  • Key Data / Evidence— Examples: Credits earned, standards covered, projects completed, evidence

  • Level of Detail— Examples: summary vs detailed content, counts, charts, listing

    Report Level of Detail
  • Source / Method— Examples:, Headrush, SIS, Custom database, Student-led conference

  • Individual vs. Group— Examples: An Individual, a group of individuals, a group of groups

We've created the following matrix as a tool to help thinking and facilitation around these ideas (click to create a copy of the template for your own use).

Reporting Planner... click to create a gDoc copy of the matrix.

As you take these needs and operationalize them in Headrush, a few other questions become important:

  • Can what you need be a 'view' in the Headrush app itself?
    Examples: Learning Target Dashboard, Activity Feed, Evidence View

  • Who Generates The Reports?
    Examples: Learner, advisor, registrar, module creator, automatically

  • What configuration decisions impact what report options are available?
    Examples: Data collection, Course Grades turned on, Time Logs turned on

Combined, these contemplation will help find an option that's already available in Headrush -or- expedite collaborating with the Headrush team to get it created to serve your needs.

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