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Task Discussions

Clarify details, ask for perspective, and keep track on ongoing dialogs with Task Discussions

Shane Krukowski avatar
Written by Shane Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

All Tasks have Discussions enabled by default. Task Discussions can be a place to clarify details, ask for perspective, and share ongoing updates related to the Task.

πŸ‘‰ All members of the module (creators, advisors, and learners) can view and comment on Task Discussions. This is different from assessment feedback, which is private between the learner and the advisor.

An example Task Discussion:

Disable / Enable a Task Discussion

To disable a Task Discussion, click on the Task's details, and click on the toggle for Discussion:

Keeping Track of a Task Discussion

When any module member posts a new comment on a Task Discussion, the module's Activity Feed will be updated with the new comment. Click the Activity Feed update to go to the comment.

View, Search and Sort a Task Discussion

Click on any Task to view its Task Discussion. To quickly review many Task Discussions, navigate between tasks and the Discussions will remain in view:

Search the Discussion for keywords or for comments from a particular person. Results will be highlighted below:

By default, the Discussion will list posts in descending order from newest to oldest. Click to re-order:


Is there a way to disable Task Discussions by default?

No. Today, the default is any new Task will be created with the Discussion enabled. Talk to us if you think it should be different.

Can you reply to a comment, like a threaded discussion?

No, but you can use the built-in @mention feature to get a list of module members, and reply specifically to them in your comment.


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