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View, copy, and re-use readymade projects

The Warehouse is full of the content you need to be successful. Re-use and re-mix what you find to get things done fast.

Shane Krukowski avatar
Written by Shane Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

JAG National has populated the Warehouse with best-in-class content to help you get started quickly. You can always create anything you want from scratch--but before you do, check the Warehouse to see if there's something there you can use.

Browse the Warehouse

Click on any category to browse.

Search and Filter the Warehouse

Search for specific modules by name. Use the filters to select modules by type, tag, or author.

Find something to copy

Use the Categories to focus on modules for career development, event planning, IDPs, projects, Challenges, and more. Explore the modules available in the categories.

Make a copy and tweak it

If you see a module that would be useful for you, make a copy of that module and then tweak it to your needs. Just click Start a Copy.

Copy Columns from Modules you See

Or, click Preview to take a look at a Module. In that module's Task Board, you can copy any column. Click the quick access menu in each column and click Copy Column for options. You can start a new empty module populated with the chosen column, or copy the column to another module you've already started.

Copy Tasks from Modules

You can also copy a specific task you see-- much the same as copying a column, any task can be copied into another module.

Print a Module

If you need to take a module's contents offline, you can print any module.

Popular Projects

There are many more examples available in the Warehouse. Here are some easy to learn and simple favorites.

Build a Resume

Dress for Success

Financial Literacy

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