Whether it be an advisor managing an advisory of students, a specialist scanning a particular population/age of students to understand needs, or an administrator looking to check in on student activity, Headrush has straightforward ways to aid discovery, research, and the resulting conversations.
For Advisors, My Students > Group Dashboard shows each student with recent activity and module summaries:
You can quickly view all of the students you are associated with or focus on a particular group.
Students and advisors can be part of multiple groups— e.g., by age/grade level, advisory, building, and so on.
Clicking on a student will take you to the detailed view for that specific student:
See What a Student Sees
Likewise, you can stay at a particular view of a given student and navigate to other students without having to reselect that view. For example, if you are looking at a 'Student’s Learning Target' completion within a given 'Subject Area,' you can use the left-column student navigation to click through that view for different students: