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Roles in Headrush

Explaining both the System Roles of Student, Advisor, Admin, Credit Manager and Module Roles of Creator, Advisor and Learner

Shane Krukowski avatar
Written by Shane Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

System Roles

User accounts in Headrush can have one or more system roles associated to them. System roles give that respective person access to various permissions and features within Headrush. Here are the available system roles in Headrush:


  • Start a new Module

    • Who can start what type of module is controllable by an admin. By default, students can start Student-led Projects and Sprints.

  • Add any other user in the site as Creators, Advisors or Learners on a module in which they are a Creator

  • View and engage in Modules where they are a Module Creator or Learner

  • View their own progress via the Learner Dashboard

    • e.g. Learning Target Dashboard, Credit Dashboard, Workflow view

  • Make a Copy of a Module that:

    • Has a Module Type they have permission to start

    • Have access to that module through the Warehouse OR as Creator / Learner

  • Access the Warehouse (Admin setting dependent - on by default)

  • View & Download Individual Reports that have been given Student access


  • Everything a Student role can do, plus

  • Add any other user in the site or within groups you are a part of if your site is setup that way as Creators, Advisors or Learners on a module in which they are a Module Creator or Advisor.

    • Limited by Group access can be set via Admin > Global Settings > User Settings

  • Be added to a Module as Module Advisor

  • Access the Task Inbox for task evidence submissions across all modules they have Advisor access to

  • View 'My Groups’ (if Advisory groups have been created for the Advisor)

  • For Students that are part of the advisor's group, the advisor can:

    • View their Learner Dashboard

    • View and act on their behalf within their modules (For more on this, see Advisors of Learners within the Module below)

    • View & Download individual reports that have been given Advisor access

  • View & Download group reports or exports that have been given Advisor access

  • Add/Remove their Modules to the Warehouse (if allowed by Admin settings)

  • Create their own Advisor Groups (if allowed by Admin settings)

  • Invite Students To join their Advisor Groups (if allowed by Admin settings)

  • Invite Students to join the system (if allowed by Admin settings)

Credit Manager

  • Allows the account to assess/manage credits on Modules

  • Used in addition to the Advisor role to govern which teachers are empowered to award credit


  • View all modules, evidence and assessments

  • Run any available report or export

  • View/Manage the Warehouse

  • Manage Accounts

  • Manage Advisory Groups

  • Manage Learning Targets

  • Manage All Global Settings & Permissions

Module Roles

Beyond system roles associated to a person’s account, there are roles within the context of a Module that are equally useful to know and understand.  These Module Roles are governed by the Who's Involved? section of the Module Overview: 

Module Creators

Module Creators are those designing & managing the learning in the module. Module Creators can be advisors OR students.

Specifically, a Module Creator can:

  • View the Module

  • Edit the Overview

  • Manage the Task Board

    • Add/ Edit Tasks

    • Add/Edit Columns to the Task Board

  • See every member’s Activity in the Module’s Activity Feed

    • Note: Only Module Advisors can see learner evidence and assessment activity

  • Add / Manage Guest Assessors

Module Advisors

Module Advisors are those mentoring & assessing the learning in the module. Only Accounts with Admin or Advisor system roles can be added as a Module Advisor.

Specifically, a Module Advisor can:

  • Everything a Module Creator can do, plus

  • View & Assess Task Evidence for all learners

  • Manage the task workflow status for all learners

  • View & Assess Module Assessment for all learners in the module

Module Learners

Module Learners are those doing the learning in the module. In a student-driven module, students could be both a Module Creator AND a Module Learner.

Specifically, a Module Learner can:

  • View the Module Overview

  • View the Task Board

    • With the exception of columns marked as "Invisible"

  • Manage the workflow status of their own tasks

    • Learners can change tasks from To Do, In Progress and Submit

    • Only Module Advisors can change the status to Needs Review or Complete.

  • View/Add their own Task Evidence

  • View/Add feedback on their own Task Evidence

  • View their own task assessments

  • View their own Module Assessment

    • Learners can also add/edit the Final Evidence and Learner reflection sections of their Module Assessment

  • View/Participate in all Task Discussion

Advisors of Learners within the Module

If a user is an advisor of a learner (i.e. someone who has an advisor-learner relationship though an Advisor group) but not explicitly listed as an advisor on a module, they are still granted special privileges on that module for their advisees only. These special privileges include They will be able to view/add/edit their advisees' task evidence, view their task feedback & assessment and view their module assessments.

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